Un esdeveniment per intercanviar roba pre-estimada, netejar i repoblar els armaris. Porta roba i complements nets i en bon estat, i emporta’t el que vulguis!
Nosaltres prepararem un pica-pica i Ateneu Roig té el vermut.
Vine i porta amigues!
Dissabte 14 de desembre a partir de les 11:00
Un evento para intercambiar ropa pre-amada, limpiar y repoblar los armarios. ¡Trae ropa y complementos limpios y en buen estado y llévate lo que sea!
Nosotras prepararemos un pica-pica y Ateneu Roig tiene el vermut.
¡Ven y trae amigxs!
An event to exchange your pre-loved garments for those of somebody else, a great reason to clean and then repopulate your wardrobe. Bring something (or not), take away as many as you want! More info on how we do it here: http://unarmarioverde.es/swaps/
Pica-pica will be provided, and Ateneu Roig vermut is waiting for you.
Come and bring your friends with you!
For prep reading matter, there are a lot of posts about these events here: http://unarmarioverde.es/category/swaps/, especially this one: http://unarmarioverde.es/swaps/